The Language of Cells
The vast majority of people take no notice of one of the most important biological processes that takes place in the body which plays a pivotal role in translating the information present in our DNA. This process by which our body deciphers and utilizes its genetic information to produce proteins, the fundamental units of life, is known as gene expression. It is essentially a language that cells use to understand the instructions in our DNA.
Gene expression plays a crucial role in numerous biological processes and functions. From determining characteristics to responding to internal and external stimuli, gene expression has a profound effect on our lives. Understanding its significance not only helps unravel the mysteries of life but also unlocks the potential for new advancements in the field of medicine and genetics.
Transcription is the first key step in producing a protein which takes place when the DNA is replicated to produce an RNA molecule. This RNA is called messenger RNA (mRNA) since it takes the specific instructions present in our DNA and transports them to the ribosomes, the main site for protein synthesis in a cell.
After that, the mRNA is decoded, and its information is used to build a polypeptide, a chain of amino acids. This step is referred to as translation which is the second and final critical stage in gene expression.
Gene expression has many different functions in the body and it has an effect on an extensive range of biological processes. Besides protein synthesis, other functions of gene expression include cell differentiation, hormonal regulation, and adaptation to the environment. Cell differentiation cannot happen without gene expression, which guides the specialization of cells during development.
Moreover, it allows the body to respond to environmental influences allowing our body to adjust to various circumstances. To illustrate, when the body is exposed to long-term cold conditions, gene expression plays a crucial role by regulating the production of proteins and metabolic processes that help the body cope with the environmental changes. This is mostly seen in people who live in cold environments for an extended period of time.
The driving force of genetic diversity is gene expression. Individual variations in traits and characteristics are a result of the combination of genes of both parents. For instance, eye color and the chance of attaining a certain disease are both affected by gene expression. Moreover, organisms adapting to changing environments is a consequence of gene expression evolving. This is decisive for the survival and evolution of species.
There are many different gene expression applications; take, for instance, cancer research. Understanding how certain genes might be overexpressed or suppressed from certain gene expression changes has led to researchers being able to target genes that are closely related to cancer.
Furthermore, gene expression has a pivotal role in personalized medicine. Instead of a one-drug-fits-all model, personalized medicine allows treatments to be unique to each individual’s genetic structure. By understanding every individual's unique genetic makeup, healthcare providers can not only supply more effective treatment but also be able to predict possible side effects.
Diabetes has been a prevalent chronic disease worldwide, and there have been many attempts to try to invent a cure for it. One promising solution is the TXNIP gene. TXNIP’s main roles include insulin regulation and glucose homeostasis. When this gene is overexpressed, insulin sensitivity decreases which leads to less responsive cells to insulin which in turn leads to a higher risk of vulnerability to diseases such as diabetes. TXNIP overexpression in diabetes cells plays an integral role in the evolution of the disease.
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of gene expression at both the protein and mRNA level is key for understanding the role of certain genes in numerous biological processes. Qualitative evaluation determines whether a gene is expressed or not while quantitative evaluation provides measurements of gene expression levels.
There are two common methods of determining gene expression: Western Blotting and RT-PCR. Western blotting is commonly used for determining protein expression, but RT-PCR is used for the evaluation of mRNA expression. These two tools are crucial in aiding researchers and doctors identify the expression of a certain gene.
To sum up, gene expression is the language our cells use to understand and analyze the information stored in our DNA. It is a process that influences our health, physical traits, and our response to environmental factors. Acknowledging its importance unlocks opportunities for a deeper understanding of life and presents promising opportunities for advancements in medicine and genetics.